In This Issue
District Legislative Updates
Legislative Hot Topics and Feedback
Free Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses
Shred Event – April 20
Coffee & Conversation
Dear Friends,
Happy Spring!
This is a busy time in Springfield as we approach the April 5th House deadline to pass legislation out of committee. Over the past month, my office and I have been especially focused on negotiating and working with stakeholders on various bills, including preparing them for committee hearings and House floor votes. I’ve included updates on those bills in this newsletter.
In addition to my work at the state capital, events in the 41st District are an important part of the services that my office and I bring to the community. Please watch your mailbox for our district flier so you know about exciting district events coming your way.
One of those events is our very popular April Shred Event, which we host in collaboration with Senator Laura Ellman. This will occur the Saturday after Tax Day, just in time for the secure disposal of your sensitive papers. As always, we also host a monthly Coffee & Conversation and would love for you to drop in, share ideas, and learn more about Springfield and community happenings.
Please never hesitate to contact my office or me if we can be of service.
District Legislative Updates
Below are a few of the bills that I’ve brought to committee in the last few weeks or plan to bring in early April. Some of these will need to return to committee with amendments before heading to the House floor, and we are working closely with constituents and advocates to keep these pieces of legislation moving.
● HB4130 - Waterway Cleanup Month, passed committee: Because of the leadership and initiative of students and educators in our community to create a more sustainable environment and future, when/if this bill passes, every September will be recognized as Waterway Cleanup Month in Illinois. Watch future newsletters for a waterway cleanup event with students to commemorate this legislation’s anticipated passage.
● HB4219 – Dangers of Fentanyl Education, passed committee: This legislation is an extension of last year’s HB3924, which was brought to us by a student that recognized the need to educate high school students about the dangers and increasing prevalence of fentanyl. During HB3924’s floor debate, House Republican Leader Tony McCombie asked that I include junior high students in these considerations, which I pledged to do. This resulting bill requires age-appropriate education on the dangers of fentanyl at the junior high level.
● HB4276 - Life Care Facilities Disclosures, awaiting committee hearing: We have heard from our community and from others across the state that recovering the entry fees made to a continuing care retirement facility can include protracted waiting periods; sometimes returned funds are a tiny fraction of the amount that was expected. NBC Responds just did a deep dive into this and included an interview with me highlighting this bill, which protects potential residents with better transparency on the status and timing of returns of these deposits.
● HB4895 - Climate Change Education, passed committee: This bill was brought to us from students in the Naperville Central High School Illinois Global Scholars program, led by educator Seth Brady, who recognized that addressing climate change will be one of the biggest challenges for our and future generations. While Current Illinois Standards include climate change education, the resources and professional development available to teachers could be better. We’re looking to address this along with the Illinois State Board of Education who agreed that there was a need for work in this area. To see more about this amazing educator, the Illinois Scholars program, and the work of students, you can view this featured report from NCTV.
● HB5028 - Opioid Overdose Medications for Workplaces, passed committee: One of the first bills I passed was HB3445, Alex’s Law. The law honors the memory of Alex, the son of a local family who died because of an opioid overdose, and the legislation provides Good Samaritan protections to those seeking help for someone experiencing an opioid overdose. I was eager to work with the National Safety Council when they asked to work with me to extend these efforts to address the opioid epidemic in the workplace by making sure that opioid reversal medications are available in state work environments.
● HB5406 - Student Athletic Practice Limits, passed committee: Thirty years ago, the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) developed guidelines that limited student athletic practices to a maximum of four hours per day. The research and experience of one of our local high school student athletes revealed that some high school students in our community and state regularly endure practices of five or more hours per day during the school day, impacting both their mental and physical health. Setting limits similar to the NCAA--whose college students attend classes for far fewer hours than high school students--will set commonsense boundaries that allow high schoolers time for academics, sports, and sleep, supporting their mental and physical well-being.
Below, student athlete Sarah, educator Seth, and I testify in front of the Elementary and Secondary Education committee on the Student Athletic Practice Limits bill.

Legislative Hot Topics and Feedback
More than three-quarters of the legislation passed through the Illinois General Assembly passes unanimously, leaving a small proportion of bills that tend to generate the most interest. Below are some the pieces of legislation we are hearing most about from you. Many of you have emailed our office.
Thank you!
We would like to provide all of you an opportunity to provide feedback on these bills. Please share with us what you think of each of the following:
● SB3499 - End of Life Options Act. Allows medical-aid-in-dying for qualified terminally ill patients.
● HB2045 - Elder parole. Allows those over the age of 55 and who have served 25 years of a life sentence to petition for parole.
● HB4472 - Health Care Availability. Creates a prescription drug affordability board that sets maximum prices on highly prescribed medications.
● Bears and White Sox stadium financing (bill number TBD). Would allow public funds, such as through capital appropriations or ticket venue taxes, to be used to fund the buildout of new sports stadiums.

Free Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses
Through the generosity of the Illinois Optometric Association, we have a large supply of ISO-certified solar eclipse viewing glasses to share with the community! Sign up on our website or stop by the office any time Monday through Friday between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm to reserve or pick up glasses for you and your friends and family (probably not necessary for your pets).
The total solar eclipse happening on April 8 will be visible in the southern part of Illinois, but we’ll still be able to see a spectacular partial eclipse from our area a little after 12:30 pm on April 8.

Shred Event
I’m excited to bring back the ever-popular document shredding event with State Senator Laura Ellman! This is your opportunity to destroy documents with personal information and takes place the weekend after the April tax filing deadline to help you securely dispose of your sensitive documents, including:
· Tax Returns
· Bank Statements
· Outdated Medical Records
· Bills
· Receipts
Come early, as the event will end when the truck is full or at 12 PM, whichever comes first. Please limit your shredded items to no more than three boxes per car.
What: Shred Event
When: Saturday, April 20, 2024, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Naperville Public Library - 95th Street, 3015 Cedar Glade Rd.,
Naperville, IL 60564

Coffee & Conversation
We’re holding our monthly Coffee & Conversation on the last Saturday of April next month. I hope you’ll join your neighbors and me for this monthly ritual where we share updates on community and Springfield happenings.
What: April Coffee & Conversation
When: Saturday, April 27, 2024, 10:00 am
Where: 41st District Office, 475 River Bend Rd, Suite 500, Naperville