Senior Resources
Illinois and our local city, township, and county municipalities provide a number of resources and benefits for seniors. Community partners also deliver additional assistance for important areas, such as housing, legal issues and insurance. Please contact the below organizations directly for more details on their services, and feel free to contact us if you we can help you navigate any of these resources.
If you know of any other resources we should add, please let us know us know by contacting us at info@repyangrohr.com.
Property Tax Relief
Those age 65 and over may qualify for the following property tax relief programs in Illinois:
Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption
Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze
Senior Deferral Program
Applications and additional information for these programs can be found via the below county websites:
Benefit Access Program
Illinois' Benefit Access Program offers those age 65 and above (who do not excede certain income thresholds) with two key benefits:
License plate fee discount
Free rides on fixed-route transit systems
Apply for the program online via the Illinois Department of Aging: www2.illinois.gov/aging/BenefitsAccess/
Community Care Program
This program is aimed at assisting seniors in maintaining their independence, with services including adult day services, in-home service, and automated medication dispernser service. Go to this website for more information about eligibility and how to apply: ilaging.illinois.gov/programs/ccp.html
Illinois Aging Services
This wonderful resource (www.illinoisagingservices.org) helps with insurance, finding senior housing, finding transportation, and more. You can either call or email if you want personalized help or go to their database and do your own research on services near you.
Legal Services
Prairie State Legal Services (www.pslegal.org) offers free legal help to low-income persons and those 60 and older with serious civil legal problems.
College of DuPage
The College of DuPage offers a variety of continuing education that are designed for people 50 and older in a variety of subject areas. There is a reduced senior rate for people who are 55 and older. To see what courses they are currently offering, visit www.cod.edu/academics/continuing-education.
Senior Health Insurance Program
The Senior Health Insurance Program, or SHIP, is there to help Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers navigate Medicare. You can find more information at www2.illinois.gov/aging/ship.
Senior HelpLine
Call the HelpLine to get connected with local resources and be provided the necessary information. Their number is 1-800-252-8966, or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY). To report suspected abuse or neglect to Adult Protective Services, please call 1-866-800-1409, or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY).
AgeGuide (ageguide.org) provides multiple resources, including virtual classes and a tailored care assessment. This website also has links and contact information to a variety of other resources.
DuPage Senior Citizen Council
DSCC is more than Meals on Wheels. DSCC is dedicated to helping seniors navigate through the daily challenges they face as they age by offering services such as:
Meals on Wheels
Well Being Checks
Minor Home Repairs
And More!
Additional information for these programs can be found on their
website:​ www.dupageseniorcouncil.org
Senior Centers and Programs
At senior centers you can find a wide variety of things, from classes, to activities, to trips. Both the Naperville and the Warrenville Park Districts have a variety of active adults & seniors programs. DuPage Township also has the Levy Senior Center.
Naperville Senior Center: www.napervilleseniorcenter.com/
Naperville: www.napervilleparks.org/activeadults
Warrenville: www.warrenvilleparks.org/programs/active-adults
DuPage: www.dupagetownship.com/seniors
Senior Services by County and City
Both Will and DuPage counties have specific senior services departments that provide a wide variety of resources. Will County's senior services can be accessed at www.willcountyseniors.org and DuPage County's senior services are at www.dupageco.org/seniorsvcs.
Bolingbrook's page for senior resources can be found by going to this page (www.bolingbrook.com/residents) and going to "Services by Age Group."
Naperville's page for senior resources is: www.naperville.il.us/services/senior-services-and-resources/.
Warrenville's is: www.warrenville.il.us/413/Senior-Disabled-Services.
Seniors-related Legislative Highlights
Legislation from 41st District
HB2882 Senior Property Tax Homestead Exemption increased to $75,000
HB3004 Deferred Retirement Option Plan for firefighters
HB3928 Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Reduction limits
Legislation Passed Into Law
To view the legislative highlights of a specific year, please click on the associated year below.
HB2443 Insurance coverage for hearing aids
HB2562 Property temperature control for living areas
HB2619 Requires notice if a resident of an assisted living facilities is transferred
HB3172 Allows residents who require insulin to be accepted into assisted living
SB0216 Includes dementia training in guardianship training programs
SB0328 Automatic contract renewal regulations
SB1497 Nursing home transparency and best practice regulations
Budget: An additional $24 million for: a rate increase for home workers who assist the elderly, increased outreach to the elderly and an increase for Adult Day Service